Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Bridges: The Overtoun Dog Suicide Bridge

I thought I had heard it all, but here's something I discovered in my again-desperate search for a bridge to post on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.

I found this at this site.

"Located near the village of Milton in the burgh of Dumbarton, Scotland, exists a bridge that for some reason or another, has been attracting suicidal dogs since the early 60s. At a rate of around one a month, dogs have been regularly leaping from the bridge; an estimated 600 have been reported jumping.

Even more strange are the circumstances behind these incidents of kamikaze canines. Not only have they been plummeting to their deaths from the bridge, but many have witnessed the dogs actually climbing the parapet wall before making the jump. Even stranger are the reports of dogs surviving their brush with death, only to return to the bridge for a second attempt..."

The two happy canines in my photo are gallivanting along a wall in Kalemegdan Park, far from Milton, Scotland, and not about to leap anywhere.


Luis Gomez said...

Lovely picture, very sad story Bibi.

Lowell said...

What a weird story. There's got to be an answer somewhere! I was very relieved to learn that these two canines were just running about having a good time! Whew!

genie said...

Your shot is a such a nice one. Sadly, the story is one that painful to think about. It is one of the most unusual ones I have ever read. Am so glad your picture if actually of a different bridge and the dogs are happily and safely running across it. genie

VioletSky-Sightlines said...

A very bizarre story. The may have to put of those suicide nets to prevent any more plunges.

Gaelyn said...

Sure glad these doggies aren't jumpers. That is bizarre!

Maude Lynn said...

That's the strangest thing I've ever heard!

Anonymous said...

How very odd, there must be something drawing them to jump.

Daryl said...

a superb photo and a totally weird piece of trivia

Alexa said...

If I had a dog, I wouldn't live anywhere near Milton—and vice-versa, I suppose. Glad to hear that these pooches here are of the normal, tail-wagging, happy-go-lucky variety. It's a great picture!

Louis la Vache said...

WOW! An amazing story! Who ever would have thought of suicidal dogs!? As the others have commented, «Louis» is relieved to read the pooches in your photo aren't doing themselves in!

In any case, «Louis» thanks you for this contribution to Sunday Bridges.

Thérèse said...

Have you heard of Temple Grandin? I am sure she would find an explanation for these rather weird events...
The picture is wonderful!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That has got to be one of the strangest stories I've heard in a while Bibi, how bizarre!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.