Wednesday, March 14, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY "I" is for "invitation"

Today is Yankee in Belgrade's fourth anniversary. Okay, here comes the cliché: "Seems like only yesterday..."

This blog post is an invitation for you to help yourself to these cupcakes from my former school's bake sale last spring. Go on--nothing gets stale in cyberspace.

See other i's at Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Congratulations! and thanks for sharing your great images!

AL said...

I was greedy and had two cakes! Congratulations on your blogging...and many more to come.

Roger Owen Green said...

please send to...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gaelyn said...

Yum, those are delicious cupcakes.

Congrats on your 4 year blogaversary. Keep em coming.

Lowell said...

They may not get stale, which is wonderful but I still put on five pounds just looking at them!

Halfanorski said...

I don't comment often but I am a fervent reader of your blog. Thank you very much for sharing those tidbits of "the white city" with us!

Last but not least, as we say in norwegian: gratulerer med dagen :)

Leslie: said...

mmmmm....phhphh...I had the one with pink icing in a blue cup! It was delish!!! And Happy Anniversary - hope you continue to enjoy living there.

abcw team

Pam Lane said...

Congratulations on 4 years of daily pictures! Yours was the first city daily blog that I discovered a couple of years ago, and I've enjoyed every day of it since.

Maja said...

Wow, those 4 years have surely flown by!
"Your former school"?
Are you retired now?
How is your mom settling in?
Keep up the good work!

Kim, USA said...

It is indeed very inviting, love it!


Jama said...

Congrats and thanks for the cupcakes, they are beautiful.

Olivier said...

UN JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE et merci de nous inviter a manger tous ces bons gateaux. Bonne continuité pour "A YANKEE IN BELGRADE" ;)

Leeds daily photo said...

Congratulations on reaching this milestone. In truth I only drop by occasionally as there are now so many CDP blogs, some slip under my radar for a while.

Julie said...

Well done, Bibi. Four years is most worthy of a cupcake or three.

Hip hip ...

Daryl said...

congrats on the 4th blogversary .. the icing look delish

brattcat said...

and enjoying these celebratory cakes is guilt calories. congratulations!

Ann said...

Thank you for the invitation, I love the cupcakes--I grabbed one.

Louis la Vache said...

WELL! Happy Fourth!
E-mail ol' «Louis» one of those cupcakes, please. You've made him hungry!

Alexa said...

Not only do they stay fresh, but they're also like the loaves and the fishes—I had the same one as Leslie. :~} Big congrats on your 4th anniversary! Hope you know how much I enjoy all your great photos and interesting posts.

Kim said...
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Kim said...

Could've sworn this post was going to be "icing."

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

4 years of daily posts, hard work, I totally understand it, I swear. Congratulations on this anniversary. Wish you another 4 with all of us!

TheChieftess said...

Cupcakes are the new trend for wedding cakes, showers least in the LA area!!! All kinds of specialty cupcake stores have popped up all over...and boy are they yummy!!!

Suzy said...

the virtual flavour was simply yummy. nice colourful pic. thanks for sharing.


 Looking west from my window. Sometimes sunsets are just blah, but thisone was a stunner. See other skies on SKYWATCH.