Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Yugo is alive and well...and cold, but running.

Don't laugh anymore at the Yugo automobile, which was the brunt of many a joke (even here) a short while back. This one is still willing to venture out on the streets, unlike its companions on this snowy Belgrade street. Once more, this is a scheduled post, and I sure hope that Yugo is now cruising along a dry street.


Luis Gomez said...

Those were definitely funny cars.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sometimes the 'Yugo's' of the car world are the unlikely heroes hey Bibi!

Leif Hagen said...

Makes me think of the Trabant and Wartburger cars in former East Germany!
I love your new header photo, Bibi! Fun to catch up with your blog this evening!

halfanorski said...

One of my Belgrader friend learned to drive in a Yugo, she has quite a few funny stories about that car to tell!

Thérèse said...

Ah the Yugo! No comment.

Rajesh said...

That really looks ready for the action.

Olivier said...

elle ne doit pas etre facile a trouver sous la neige ;)

Louis la Vache said...


«Louis» is sending the link to this to "B Squared" who used to write the blog Fort Lauderdale Daily Photo and who joked about having a Yugo as the Staff Limo - and had a photo of a Yugo in the sidebar of his blog!


Daryl said...

I hope so too .. all that snow reminds me of last winter here ..

Dolce Fooda said...

Yugo is good as much as money spent on it. You can't expect to have Jaguar for that money.

I had Yugo long ago, red one.

dianasfaria.com said...

I love how you've captured this nearly monochromatic shot with spots of bright red color-very cool bibi.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.