Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"M" is for "Maxi's prices are falling..."

The other day while walking in Tasmajdan Park I came across this group of oddly-dressed young people standing by the fountain (not on) on the left. It was a hot day, and they stood out in their heavy 'snowsuits'. Just as I was about to snap the shutter, they all fell to the ground! They remained there for a few minutes, then got up and moved on. They're part of an advertising campaign by MAXI supermarkets, a chain of about 500 or so supermarkets throughout Serbia.

Their suits show prices, one higher, one lower, and so their actions show that Maxi's prices are falling....

See other M's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

au moins voila une publicite qui est originale, et qui fait se poser des questions sur ces lapins ;)

Leslie: said...

Seems an odd way of advertising, but what the heck...if it works...

abcw team

Luis Gomez said...

Great captures Bibi!

Gaelyn said...

Interesting way to advertise. I thought they were Easter bunnies.

Kate said...

It seems to be an unusual and not entirely clear message. I find it odd and wonder about their ad agency? I think I'd want my money back!

Thérèse said...

I thought it was a way to loose weight! :-)) Original indeed.

photowannabe said...

Well it certainly got your attention and was a perfect photo opportunity.
Clever and unusual.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

not an anti nuclear protest? My daughter aged 5 was in a lamb show, all 50 of them. Now we can't tell which lamb she was.

Tash said...

How fun and funny! So glad you were there to capture the moment.

Andy said...

That's funny and and interest concept on advertising.

Louis la Vache said...

Good timing that you were there and able to capture that!

Lowell said...

How funny! I'll bet they did receive a lot of attention - which would be the point. I would have guessed they were some kind of religious group!

Daryl said...

what a bizarre ad campaign .. how did you know what it was about .. was there some sort of sign or announcement? As someone who worked in the ad biz I find this is very intriguing.

Roger Owen Green said...

very bizarre! doesn't seem to be effective, though.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Pat said...

Daryl, I'd seen billboards around town about Maxi's prices 'falling', so when I saw these people with prices on (higher ones crossed out) and Maxi, I just knew.

It was funny because at first I didn't know they were Maxi's advertiser. I got my camera all ready to take a photo and then they all fell down. I thought at first that was an unusual way to say no!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Cool ads to attract the public consumer.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Now that's a creative idea Bibi, must have been a bit puzzling before you realized what was going on!

Rajesh said...

Very strange and unique advertising.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.