Thursday, March 1, 2012

Theme Day: Electricity--the building behind....

A while ago it was too cold, too snowy, too wet to tromp around at night for photos, so I played Peeping Tom. Was thwarted, though, since no one was around. But I wonder who lives in this apartment with the (seemingly) yellow terrace?

And are they keeping their lights on for someone to come home? Someone who'd have to climb up the side of the building?

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


cara said...

That's a beautifully atmospheric shot with the cold snow and the warm glow from the light.

Jeroen van de Ven said...

What a great pocture!

Julie said...

An open invitation to come up and see them sometime? I hope they have etchings ...

Lowell said...

Maybe Santa passed them by at Xmas and he's making a special trip so they've left the lights on for him?

Nice night shot, whatever!

Virginia said...

I think you need to go pay a visit. Their welcoming porch means they should be friends!

Luis Gomez said...

Love the light here! Gorgeous shot Bibi.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Now you've got us all curious Bibi, I hope they just didn't forget to switch the light off, that would be a bit of an anti climax haha!

Jilly said...

That is strange. I wonder if it's on every night. No matter - it made a super photo for Theme Day!

Olivier said...

belle photo de nuit, la lumiere dans les appartements rend bien

Chrissy Brand said...

I love playing peeping Tom in that way too- great photo.

Chrissy from Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

Mandy said...

I love this photo! I imagine that must be a great place to sit in summer! I hope that winter soon releases you from its icy grips!

brattcat said...

this makes me think of the marvelous Rear Window.

Leif Hagen said...

I love the mood and feel of this ELECTRICITY theme day photo, Bibi!

Daryl said...

LOVE this shot and I am in love with the new header photo!

Louis la Vache said...

Ah! The mystery!

Tash said...

So warm and inviting.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a gorgeous watercolor painting! That was my first reaction, and you have really captured a mood here in the evening light.



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.