Sunday, April 8, 2012

SUNDAY BRIDGES: Despot Stefan's rowboat?

There once was a moat around part of Kalemegdan Fortress. This rowboat lies below the bridge to and from Despot's Gate, named for Despot Stefan Lazarević.

See other bridges at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Luis Gomez said...

Great find Bibi.

Lowell said...

Maybe it's the boat that took him down to Hades? Nicely-composed photo!

And I must say that every moat needs a boat, 'cause what if the bridge goes up (or way down)? :-)

Louis la Vache said...

Bibi, «Louis» thanks you for this fine contribution to Sunday Bridges.

Although this bridge clearly is not over waters, troubled or otherwise, «Louis» nonetheless gives you this...

Bob Crowe said...

Congratulations on four years of hard work and fascinating images. It's nice to have virtual friends like you. We must meet face to face one day.

I've never heard of a ruler with the blunt title of despot. It seems so honest.

Gaelyn said...

A most unusual sight.

Pat said...

Hi, Bob, and thanks for the wishes. I'll get there one day or you get over here; would love to meet you.

Regarding 'despot', if you click on the link I put in the post ( you'll see that the word doesn't carry the connontation it does in English. He was a good guy! >:<)

Alexa said...

Love the composition of this shot -- and the fact that there's still a rowboat in the empty moat. Good catch, Bibi!

TheChieftess said...

Love this Bibi!!! Love the irony of the old row boat in the moat...nicely composed...
Also very interesting info about Despot Stefan!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.