Monday, April 23, 2012

Would have been 35...

My late husband and I would have been married 35 years today....


Luis Gomez said...

You are in my thoughts. Big hug.

Dolce Fooda said...


Olivier said...

Cela doit etre une journee assez difficile a vivre pour toi :(
beau b&w pour cette journee

Alexa said...

Such a beautiful image—I wish I could have met him.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

You were on my mind. Now I know why. Thinking of you and sending you hugs.


Bob Crowe said...

A tender thought, a beautiful image.

BTW, I took your test and I'm a daffodil, too. I don't get it. Maybe it's a joke and everyone is a daffodil.

Profile Not Available said...

This photo is a beautiful tribute.

Rajesh said...

Very neat composition.

Juliette said...

Toutes mes pensées y abrazos.

WieczneBG said...

And here again, so beautiful. Big respect and kind regards.

brattcat said...

i'm sending the warmth of friendship from across the sea. these days can sometimes be so difficult to get through. how wonderful that you are able to reach out to such a big and supportive community and they to reach back. what a beautiful image you've chosen to represent the array of emotions this day holds for you.

Daryl said...

hugs ...

TheChieftess said...

A very poignant photo when the memory is shared... love to you...

Thérèse said...



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.