Wednesday, May 9, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY : "Q" is for "quaquaversal"

Can you put yourself in this position? I know I can't, but then again, either can the seated fellow in the photo.  Although it looks like he is very quaquaversal in this photo (going in every which direction), it's actually a friend lying on the bench.  But at first glance...

See other Q's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

un couple tranquille, une belle vue sur cet immeuble moderne

Carver said...

Fun shot and word for Q day. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice.

Alexa said...

I'll bet you have a really good dictionary! (I already know you have a really good eye.)

Roger Owen Green said...

heading every which way
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gattina said...

You must have raked your brain to find such a word, lol !

WieczneBG said...

looks crazy! love the photo!

Daryl said...

waaaay back when .. Katney had Odd Shot Mondays .. this shot would surely have been submitted

TheChieftess said...

HaHa!!! You got me on this one!!! Love the I've never even seen!!!

Leslie: said...

That would have been a great example for my O post on "optical illusions!" Have a great week,
abcw team

Anonymous said...

Ooh, new addition to vocabulary -- nice


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.