Wednesday, May 23, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"S" is for "stately"

The other week I visited Princess Ljubica's (LYOO-beet-sa) residence in Belgrade, now a museum.  Princess Ljubica was the mother of Prince Mihailo, whose statue I have shown you many times.  The museum curator, dressed as was the Princess, greets about 30 visitors for coffee with Princess Ljubica," a clever way of making history come to life. She speaks as if the visitors are personal guests, and for a while, you lose yourself in history.

 See other S's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


TheChieftess said...

How fun! What a beautiful costume!!

Olivier said...


Roger Owen Green said...

that is a regal outfit
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Daryl said...

at first I thought the museum curator was a wax figure ..

Ann said...

An illustrated learning experience. Ann

Alexa said...

What a charming idea!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Stately indeed!

S is for..
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Black Jack's Carol said...

Seeming Statues coming to "life" is a great way to bring history alive. Now, that's correct posture!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

she gave you a title of a countess?

brattcat said...

i'd enjoy this experience very much, i think.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.