Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bridge at La Conner

Young love contemplating a bridge at La Conner, Washington.

See other bridges at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Luis Gomez said...

Nice shot Bibi!

Gaelyn said...

Docked in La Conner a few times, many years ago. A quaint tourist town. Nice bridge.

Andy said...

A good solid bridge between the lovers and that love will last forever.

brattcat said...

love the lines and angles of this. nice composition.

Kim, USA said...

Awesome shot!


TheChieftess said...

Wow! I like that bridge!!! Very interesting lines...nicely shot Bibi!!

Anonymous said...

I love LaConnor. The writer, Tom Robbins, still lives there. Such a cool waterway.

Spencer said...

Cool photo! I reckon you should sell it to a postcard company!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.