Sunday, May 13, 2012

SUNDAY BRIDGES--Tennis, anyone?

Weather's good, courts are open all around, like this one in Kalemegdan Park.

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Alexa said...

And great weather for it too! (Do you have to pay to use the courts?)

Luis Gomez said...

Looks great!

VioletSky said...

Nice to see people out enjoying themselves in the sunshine.

genie said...

Your pedestrian bridge looks like my railroad pedestrian bridge....the same style...though your has much better scenery below. It is so nice to have spring here finally. Now we can play outdoors without layers of clothing. Happy Week to you. genie

Linnea said...

What an inviting shot and place!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.