Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Too much of a good thing....

Lush, an international cosmetic company, has several stores around Belgrade.These doggie-paw soaps are being sold to encourage spaying and neutering, something that is not so popular here.The sign in the background reads "Too much sex can be a bad thing."

Your opinion? ;<)


Luis Gomez said...

Very interesting Bibi! ;)

Olivier said...

très bon ;o)) surtout avec l'autocollant derrière a droite

Thérèse said...


WieczneBG said...

stray dogs and not sterilised animals are bad for cities in that country. The owners should think of this in advance and have it done when their pets are small. But sex....is good :).... not that on picture tho

TheChieftess said...

Hmmmm...never thought I'd see a sign that said "Too much sex can be a bad thing"!!!

Maybe too many puppies or kittens!!! Don't think I'd go for the soaps either...are they organic???

4cherry2 said...

I love lush soaps :)
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