Wednesday, June 27, 2012

ABC Wednesday "X" is for "xx chromosome"

"XX" chromosomes is what females have.  Do they have anything to do with a flair for drama?  This is Nora, who was fully enjoying herself at Cannon Beach, Oregon, where she participated in a family reunion.
See other X's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Chubskulit Rose said...

Such a darling.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Olivier said...

elle est tres mignonne, beau portrait

MaR said...

Beautiful girl, lovely dress!
X is for Xarel·lo

Meoww said...

What a pretty capture. lovely, natural pose. Her dress is extremely pretty. but i just love her finger ring!
Have an eXtraordinary day!

Roger Owen Green said...

biology! excellent way to do the meme.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Thérèse said...

A little princess with all of her aura.

Daryl said...

what a cutie

Lowell said...

XX marks the beauty! So sweet. But a fledgling drama queen? Really?

Leslie: said...

*singing* "I enjoy being a girl!"

abcw team

Joy said...

Definitely "sugar and spice and all things nice"
Joy - ABC Team

Alexa said...

Nora is a little woman after my own heart! She's a beautiful young drama queen, and I hope you shared this wonderful portrait with her parents. Seriously—great capture, Bibi!

TheChieftess said...

Darling!!! Definitely a drama queen in the making!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.