Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Too short

Too short of a dress, I think, at least for city wear.


Olivier said...

comme on dit "ca sent l'ete" ;)

Tamera said...

She is treacherously close to a "wardrobe malfunction" ;^)

Gaelyn said...

I remember long ago when I wore my skirts that short.

Daryl said...

total honesty? too short for any locale except maybe at home .. and with her shape, something that fit and flattered rather than looking as if she borrowed it from a much smaller person would be good.

Chuck Pefley said...

I'll bet she had to wait for the bottom half to be on sale and now that she's got it she's gonna go home and change -:)

Lowell said...

Maybe she forgot to take off her nightie before she went shopping! She's on the phone so she's liable to get hit by a car, too! Yikes!

Alexa said...

Ya think? I see people all the time who obviously don't know what they look like—I think you found one too!


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...