Saturday, June 23, 2012


Cranberry juice...and a cell phone.

See other reflections at James'WEEKEND REFLECTION.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Looks great Bibi, is that shutters I see in the reflections. Hot chocolate is more the go for Perth it's a little brrrrrrr! Have a great weekend.

Luis Gomez said...

Love it! It looks so refreshing.

Gunn said...

Stylish image!
two good things in life!

Marleen said...

Great post for WR.

Pat said...

Hi, "Perth"! No, those are just lines on the glass.

Lowell said...

Looks good and good for you. I'd probably like it better with a wee bit of Vodka. :-)

TheChieftess said...

Looks very refreshing!!! I like Lowell's idea!!!

Alexa said...

Funny—I have a cell phone and a glass of cranberry juice next to me right now (and mine does have a splash of vodka in it!). Maybe I'll take a picture, though it won't be as good as yours. :~}

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Alexa beat me to it. Thought the cranberry juice cried for a little kick


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