Saturday, June 2, 2012

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS--the baby cup and spoon

This silver baby cup and spoon belonged both to my mother and then to me.  Underneath when I return to Belgrade will be engraved little Mila's name and year born.  You can see me in the spoon....

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTION.


Luis Gomez said...

Love it!

Alexa said...

This is a charming tradition! You've inspired me to dig my own silver baby cup out of the china closet and polish it up (though it's not as dent-free and pristine as yours).

Gaelyn said...

Such a lovely family heirloom.

Gunn said...


brattcat said...

how you've made me smile. thank you for sharing this very precious piece of your family story with us.

Linda said...

What a special thing! That is wonderful that you still have it! Sadly, I have no idea where my children's cups are! Too many moves...

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I love this cup and spoon and how special that you can pass it down to Mila, a beautiful heirloom full of memories.


James said...

Beautiful! I like the subtle reflection.

Daryl said...

Sweet .. so is anyone starting such a tradition for Luka?

PJ said...

How sweet! Family keepsakes are so important. I'm sure one day she'll treasure it just as you have.


 Looking west from my window. Sometimes sunsets are just blah, but thisone was a stunner. See other skies on SKYWATCH.