Wednesday, July 18, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY : "A" is for "accidental"

Before I left for the US last May, I made a quick trip to Zrenjanin, an hour or so from Belgrade.  I can't help but wonder if this lady's pose like the statue was accidental, or if subliminally she was influenced by its presence!

See more A's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Really nice shot Bibi.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Incredible capture! The lady seems to mirror everything about the statue, giving it life!

Roger Owen Green said...

there are no accidents, according to Boys in the Band
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

An AMAZING coincidence, if you ASK me...have an AWESOME week,

abcw team

Meoww said...

Good eyes, you have. to have captured this accidental moment!

Wanda said...

How interesting...I think you have a great eye with the camera and a great eye for a picture.

Gaelyn said...

Love the way your mind's eye and camera work. Could she have been posing, for you?

ChrisJ said...

You had a good eye to spot that!

Olivier said...

une tres belle composition, avec la dame et la statue, bien vu

Mandy said...

I love that! Accidental elegance!

brattcat said...

i think accidental, but no accident that you saw it and captured it.

Daryl said...

I know I say it all the time but you get the best on the street shots!

Lowell said...

What a great eye you have. This is really quite incredible although I'd have to say it was pure chance.

Alexa said...

I think it would be fun if the lady on the bench were to somehow find this blog post. You DO have quite an eye!

Chubskulit Rose said...

They do have the same pose hehehe.

Aero 360's Arrows
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team.

lotusleaf said...

Nice shot.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.