Wednesday, July 4, 2012

ABC Wednesday - "Y" is for "You like it-- it likes you"

I'm showing my age, but I remember 7-Up's slogan "You like it-it likes you" from when I was a child. It's not in use anymore.  Looking up the slogan, I came across this informative site where you can read about 7-Up's slogans through its history.

What's your favorite soft drink?  And Happy Fourth of July to all Americans.

See other Y's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Love it! Very nice Bibi.

Olivier said...

superbe cette vieille publicite murale, j'adore ca

Daryl said...

Water ... gave up soda/carbonated drinks when I did Weight Watchers a lifetime ago .. a happy safe Fourth to you!

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, carbonated drinks are a downfall.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Lowell said...

Hmmm...I don't think I remember that slogan. What does that mean?

Hmmm...OK, so you have a better memory and I'm still older than you! Sheesh!

Alexa said...

That's a nice bit of faded history you found! I don't remember that slogan (but probably should), though I do know how to say "Things go better with coke" in several languages. :~} Hope you're enjoying the holiday!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Interesting slogan.

Y is for...
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Leslie: said...

I'm aging myself too! I don't drink soda too often, but with a nice diet fruit drink, make a spritzer with some diet 7-Up or Ginger Ale.

abcw team

Ann said...

I don't remember this one, but I'm sure I'm old enough too. Soda is really hard to get off of--I'm trying to drink healthier drinks.

Nefertiti said...

tres jolie photo,bravo


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.