Saturday, July 7, 2012


The word 'coy' is defined as 'tending to avoid people or social situations; reserved,' but these Japanese koi fish are anything but reserved. They, along with a number of their friends, were rushing the little wooden bridge I passed over at Seattle's Japanese Garden, hoping I'd purchased some fish food at the ticket booth.  Sorry to say I hadn't, but will next time....

See other reflections at James' WEEKEND REFLECTION.


Juliette said...

Amazing shot! Edward Munch koi fish.

Tamera said...

I love this picture! Greedy little buggers, aren't they? Great shot!

Thérèse said...

I was definitively a cry for Help!

James said...

This a really neat shot!

Alexa said...

Good one, Bibi! In the Japanese Garden I go to, they don't allow you to feed the fish at all, but for some reason they all look like this anyway!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

My what big mouths they have Bibi, I can see the other one lurking below the surface ready to join in..great visual!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

They are greedy little things, aren't they! Great shot, capturing the action with a single click... Don't worry about the koi as they are probably fat from being fed by people crossing their bridge!


Lowell said...

This is a superb photograph. I've taken pics of koi before but haven't even come close to this quality! Fantastic!

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Great timing!

Daryl said...

awesome catch!


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