Saturday, September 1, 2012

THEME DAY--people watching: No GPS

Remember the days before GPS when you actually had to stop and ask people for directions?  I've used a GPS on a trip from Seattle through California a year or so ago, and while it was easy to get from Point A to Point B by myself, the GPS was really handy in a city.

But here in Serbia GPSs exist, but I don't have one, so I have to stop and ask for directions. This fellow in a village outside of Belgrade was all too happy to explain to me the route I should take. And of course I sneaked a photo of on lap.

Check out other 'people watching' photos at CDPB THEME DAY SITE.


Jo said...

I really like this photo, with the frame of the car door.

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful Bibi! What a great shot.

Anonymous said...

Looks very honest.

Please have a good new month ahead.

daily athens photo


A striking capture of a striking gentleman, wonderful!

Gaelyn said...

Love your candid people watching photos.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh well done Bibi, I can't believe this is a 'sneaky' shot, it's composed so well. What a wonderfully craggy face he has!

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

That mustache is huge. I don´t know if I would have the patience to keep it in my face.

Julie said...

His face is absolutely perfect for portrait photography, Bibi. What a wonderful moustache he sports! Well sneaked ...

Rob Siemann said...

Nice moustache!

Alexa said...

I agree that it's hard to believe you snuck this shot. And he has a wonderful face!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Lots of fire still in his eyes.

Tanya Breese said...

i love his face....

Buck said...

An amazing photo of an amazing man. Well done!

TheChieftess said...

Great shot Bibi!!! Can't believe it's from the hip!!!


The other day I posted a photo of my gingerbread house made this year and complained that the rear roof had fallen in. No chance of repairin...