Wednesday, September 26, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY - "K" is for "Kalology"

Kalology is the study of beauty, and the ways in which beauty influences society.  You never know when a shot will appear, and seated in a trolley bus, I snapped this photo of the young woman eating an ice cream.  When I uploaded it, I saw that it echoed the advertisement for Breakfast at Tiffany's, which originally starred a famous beauty, Audrey Hepburn.  "Audrey" is eating a croissant. (The woman in the advertisement is a local actress.)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say.  Do you agree?

See other K's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


photowannabe said...

Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Terrific capture from the trolley.
Interesting how the 2 women mirror each other.

Gaelyn said...

I learned about a new "ology" today. You have an inner eye for kalology.

Antjas said...

What a terrific accident! Too bad the ice cream lady didn't have her sun glasses down as she then would have been a dead ringer for Audrey.

Olivier said...

une tres belle vitrine et bien vu la dame sur la photo

Roger Owen Green said...

you have an eye for beauty
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Meoww said...

New word for me today :) Good one for K!


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Now, I know my true calling!! Nice shot.

Julie said...

Kalology ... a word i HAVE Not stumbled across before.

Yes, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. There are some things that people can agree are beautiful, but it is not very wide. And it certainly does not extend to the beauty of people. Some people only consider surface beauty while others look to the beauty of character.

Luis Gomez said...


Unknown said...

Well played and well photographed. :)

Lowell said...

Fascinating capture. The local actress is watching you very carefully...ever aware she is on a stage of sorts. Both women are indeed beautiful. And I think that's an objective observation unrelated to the "beholder". :-)

Joy said...

Your subconscious must have seen it, nice serendipity.
Joy - ABC Team


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.