Wednesday, September 12, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY''"I" is for "ill-fated"

Yes, it's Serbia, and yes, that's a statue of Rocky Balboa, immortalized on screen by Sylvester Stallone.

But how did a likeness of the Italian Stallion get here?  

Briefly, the little town Zitiste (ZHEE-tee-shtay), about 55k (33 miles) north of Belgrade, said the statue of Rocky was needed to give the village a more positive image because the town Zitiste had suffered serious damage from floods and landslides, earning it a reputation for being jinxed.And so, in 2007, up came Rocky.

You can read more about the statue on this link.

I am not superstitious, but believe that Zitiste, despite Rocky, still brings bad luck. When I pulled over on the main road (entirely deserted) through town, and then pulled away, a policeman stopped me and threatened me with a traffic violation, because I was 'parked' on the intersection.....  I managed to get away with a warning.  So maybe Rocky brings good luck after all.

See more I's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


photowannabe said...

Fascinating both the icon and your getting away with just a warning.

Roger Owen Green said...

how totally unexpected!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Luis Gomez said...

How interesting Bibi.

Alexa said...

Sylvester Stallone would love this! On the other hand, if I ever come to Serbia, I think I'll avoid Zitiste.

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team said...

Now that's Interesting

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team

brattcat said...

catching up on your posts and truly enjoying them. thank you.

Daryl said...

i'd say the cop was a little over the top even stopping you ...

Wanda said...

Rocky was the first movie I saw where the audiance broke out into applause. Since then I see lots of that in theaters.

Lowell said...

There's something strange in Zitiste! And I can't imagine that a statue of a movie actor is going to change that!

And I don't think it was the statue that got you off with a warning. I think it was that great big smile you gave the cop!

Thérèse said...

What is this?? : - - - -)
How funny...
Not funny to be pulled over though... I do remember these few times in the past of beeing pulled over with my half... not funny at all.

TheChieftess said...

HaHa!!! What a kick!!! You can't blame Zitiste for trying!!! Maybe they should look into the tradition of sage-ing... put a few smudge pots around the town and chant a bit!!!

Birdman said...

Too many hits to the head get ya nuttin!

Christine said...

Rocky looks so scrawny to me and not like Rocky to me. My city, Milwaukee, did something similar a few years ago by erecting a "Bronze Fonz" ... a statue that bore almost no resemblance to Fonzie from Happy Days (at least Happy Days supposedly took place in Milwaukee, though)...Well, every city needs something to rally around. Too bad this is all the ill-fated Zitiste has. : )

LindyLouMac said...

Calling by from ABC Wednesday, interesting story.


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