Sunday, September 9, 2012

SUNDAY BRIDGES--vertical....

Lots of verticals here, among which are the spire from Belgrade's newest bridge, the Bridge on Ada, and in the foreground, the old Nazi concentration camp watchtower that stands on Belgrade's Old Fairgrounds.  The dilapidated buildings of the former camp are now home to Serbian refugees from the wars across the former Yugoslavia.

See more bridges at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Louis la Vache said...

Good one, Bibi - very interesting contrast between the spire on the new bridge and the tower in the former concentration camp. «Louis» linked you to Sunday Bridges.

Andy said...

It's a eye catching bridge that can be seen from a long way off.

s.c said...

Nice modern bridge. Funny everywhere in the world bridges are now of concrete and cables. Its like mode only a bridge is a little more expensive then a coat.

Lowell said...

Very dramatic photo. You do have a lot of verticals poking their noses up into the sky! Love that bridge!

Powell River Books said...

It is hard to imagine reusing such a horrific place even for humanitarian reasons. The new bridge is a testament to modern construction. - Margy

Birdman said...

I get the point, already! hahahaha

Suburban Girl said...

The modern rises amidst the history. Hopefully, modern history will be better.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.