Monday, September 17, 2012

The Pink Lady

This lady, whom I snapped from the hip, is someone I often see on my street.  Sometimes she's not dressed in pink, but always some bright color like fire-engine red or vivid orange. Sometimes she even does her hair in a matching shade.

Seeing her brought to mind another Pink Lady that you see below, and that I saw in Malibu Canyon, California,  before she was deemed a traffic hazard and painted over.  You can read the whole story right here.


Luis Gomez said...

This is great Bibi!

gregory urbano said...

great catch on the expression!

Lowell said...

She's posing for you! I like the lady in Malibu Canyon better...well, except she's not real! Darn! :-)

TheChieftess said...

Pretty in Pink???

I think she's on to your hipster camera Bibi!!!

Andy said...

It's a good photo! She looks like she is trying to figure out why you are taking photos from your hip.

Gaelyn said...

Seems like she's looking at you.

Thérèse said...

What an interesting story!
This pink lady is becoming a visual landmark too. Mind your camera!

Olivier said...

cela doit etre une fan de Barbara Cartland ;))

Lowell said...

I liked your trucks, but the difference is that neither of them are going anywhere! :-)

Alexa said...

Yeah, she's definitely on to you! I love her style (and maybe she wouldn't mind a bit if you did a real photo shoot with her).

Daryl said...

another winner

Juliette said...

Wonderful shot, Bibi. btw, went to your link of the "Pink Lady." Quite a story. Never heard of it, but thanks to you, I know about it now. I would love to drive through Malibu Canyon Road (as I did many times in my youth) and see that amazing work (and feat) of art. Hmmm ... a story for the Twilight Zone??

Virginia said...

LOL, she's great Bibi and j'adore her hot pink clogs!


This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...