Monday, October 1, 2012

THEME DAY-Silhouettes

A view of Belgrade's Parliament building, taken from a friend's roof across the way.  Thanks, John!

Check out  this site to see other silhouettes.


Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful shot Bibi!

Shantaram said...

That looks almost like some of the buildings in Delhi or Rajasthan! So much is same across the world - wonderful!

Bob Crowe said...

There's a beautiful rhythm and texture to this. You could have told me it was in India.

Sorry I've been by so infrequently. I'm lost without the portal.

Kate said...

It looks like a temple/church of some kind. I feel the same as BobC.

Thérèse said...

An interesting way of seeing this building,

Olivier said...

de belles silhouettes, cela fait penser a des poupees russes ;)))

Tamera said...

Wow, great silhouettes! The architecture in Belgrade is just outstanding!

Joe said...

Very dramatic silhouette. The domes really pop against the white sky.

Lowell said...

Perfection! Frame it and hang it! Preferably in a Belgrade art gallery!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh this is a beauty Bibi, one cupola would have been lovely three are FABULOUS! Also ditto what Bob said.

Daryl said...

wonderful .. the 3 domes all in a row!

Linnea said...

That's gorgeous! Well done!

Bergson said...

Ça me fait penser aux jeux oui chercher le billet en dessous des trois gobelets

Buck said...

Wow, the details on the right-most dome are fascinating. Excellent realisation of the theme!

TheChieftess said...

Wonderful silhouette!!! Excellent shot!

Bibione Hotels said...

An extraordinary photo! You have a good taste!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.