Wednesday, October 3, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY "L" is for "Locked up..."

This has to be one of the saddest photos I've ever posted.  While taking my granddaughter, Mila, now 14 months, to the zoo the other day (happier post is coming), we came across the primate house at the Belgrade Zoo.  Its conditions are nothing short of shameful to house these intelligent creatures. I'm going to write  to them and to the newspaper and send this photo.  To be fair, the zoo has made major improvements on its outdated enclosures both indoor and out, but why they didn't start with the primates is beyond me.

In any case, see perhaps happier L's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


MaR said...

What a poignant picture and subject...Great choice for L...

ABC Wednesday

Gemma Wiseman said...

This photo is dynamic. So much is wrapped up in those clenched hands crying for freedom! Stunning photo! I know I'd be publicising this too if I saw the conditions that you describe!

Juliette said...

Very powerful image !! Kudos to you for putting your opinion into writing. I hope it will have an impact. Bravo.

Roger Owen Green said...

LOUSY treatment! LAZY zoo administration, it seems.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

No words for this! Do follow through with your complaint. And let us know the results!

abcw team

Olivier said...

magnifique photo des ces mains, c'est tres poignant

Tamera said...

Tragic and horrible! It makes me angry to see this! Good for you for writing a letter. Those poor animals deserve better!

'Tsuki said...

J'ai mal. J'ai physiquement mal quand je vois une photo comme celle-là.

Daryl said...

fabulous shot and i hope you can get some attention paid to this situation

Flo de Sendai said...

How sad..........I do hope that you can help them !!!!!!!!!! (Thank you....)

Andy said...

You did capture the feeling of sadness in your photo. Good job!

Bergson said...

superbe capture j'aime beaucoup

'Tsuki said...

Hi, Bibi...

About Defifoto : it is not my personal blog : it's a collective one, where we play every 1st of the month. Every month we choose a new word and then we have the rest of the month to find a way to illustrate it.

My personnal blog is this one :

I'm sorry, I've wrote a lot in French, those last day, but I publish pictures in it more often than I actually write in it, like this visit of the Mont St Michel :

You are welcome on Defifoto anyway.

See you !

Oh and when I went to the mont St Michel, I found something for you...

I will publish it soon, promise.

Birdman said...

"Let me outta here!"

Virginia said...

I thought they were human hands at first. I must agree. Here our zoo has made some improvements, but the primate house is still a sad place in my opinion.

Your photo speaks volumes.

Wayne said...

A Magnum calibre image in my opinion.

Meoww said...

I hope they can make changes very soon. Really sad places, some zoos are...

Thérèse said...

Terrible picture indeed. What is more to say. Good luck.

Thierry Collart said...

Great picture but it is hard to see it !
Humans are often too bad with animals...

Mama Pajama said...

powerful shot - good for you, using it to affect positive change in the world.

Gaelyn said...

It's a heart break to see animals in small cages at zoos, slowly going as crazy as I would. Yet after volunteering at a couple of zoos I know how budget constraints are with, hopefully, some reliance on substantial donations. Very moving image.

James said...

This really is sad! It reminds me of the feeling I had when my mother took me to the Los Angeles Zoo when I was a boy. It was over 100F and the poor animals were outside in concrete pits with no plants or trees. I never returned.

TheChieftess said...

Fabulous shot Bibi!!! Definitely a "sellable" photo!!! Have you thought of stock photos???


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.