Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Birthday...to the one on the right!

 Oh, my....time flies.... and it wasn't so long ago, or so it seems, that my daughter, whose birthday it is today, was just as small as her son, Luka, now just over five months old.

I get all weepy thinking how short of a time we are all here and how we should enjoy every moment.

Happy Birthday to you, daughter of mine.  Mama loves you...and yours.


Olivier said...

il est craquant et tout mignon ;)))))

Gaelyn said...

The joy is in watching your generations grow. Happy Birthday to you and your daughter.

dianasfaria.com said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!
It is so true-it seems like my son was just Luka's age & now he is away at college!
so I have missed out on quite a bit-congratulations to your becoming a grandparent again dear Bibi!
& I know what you mean about getting weepy over it-me too. time is so short here so I console myself believing our loved ones remain always within our hearts.

Luis Gomez said...

Super sweet Bibi!

brattcat said...

lucky daughter to have such a mama, lucky mama to have such a daughter (and grandson). happy birthday bibi's daughter.

brattcat said...

lucky daughter to have such a mama, lucky mama to have such a daughter (and grandson). happy birthday bibi's daughter.

Bergson said...

qu'il est beau tout le monde doit vouloir s'en occuper

Lowell said...

Your daughter and her son are beautiful! Enjoy every single minute if you can...

Re your comment on Starbucks: I agree. I don't like their coffee, either, which, in some circles, makes me a heretic! :-)

TheChieftess said...

Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter Bibi!!!

It's so true how fast time flies...and how much you see it in children! Our beautiful "new" grand daughter is going to turn 1 year old the end of November!!! I can't believe how much she changes between my visits down south!!!

Alexa said...

I can relate too—the older I get the more time seems to fly. Your daughter and grandson are both beautiful—and I wish her a happy birthday and many happy moments with her little one.

Thérèse said...

Let's enjoy these sweet times as much as we can...

Daryl said...

aw ... two beautiful children .. yours and hers xo

Juliette said...

J'adore la petite touffe de cheveux de Luka. Belated birthday wishes to your daughter !


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.