Monday, October 8, 2012

Mila's zoo tale....

Daddy said there are seals in here!

Yep, there they are!!
I have an idea!!!

A really GOOD idea....!

Come on; twirl it on your nose!!!

Our hero.


Luis Gomez said...

These are beautiful Bibi.

Thérèse said...

A hero he is, indeed! Where is the other shoe??

'Tsuki said...

That is a good story. I'm still laughing !

Gaelyn said...

She is an adorable handful. And someday will also get a good laugh out of this story.

Pat said...
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Pat said...

Therese: It stayed on....but we had let her walk around in her socks for a while....and after the rescue, since of course the fallen shoe was wet!

Tamera said...


Olivier said...

ah quand un enfant a une idee dans la tete ;)) belle promenade au zoo

Daryl said...

she is so adorable, getting so big ...

Birdman said...

Dad's 'seal of approval'. Nuff said!

TheChieftess said...

Haha!!! Very funny!!!

Tash said...

What a fun story you captured! I can just see is as part of a children's picture book ---Mila's day in the park.
She is absolutely adorable!!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.