Sunday, October 14, 2012

SUNDAY BRIDGES--The Bridge on the River Drina

Four years ago (Yikes, time flies!) I showed you this statue of Ivo Andric,who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1961.  His best-known novel is undoubtedly The Bridge on the River Drina. My friend Jasmina sent me this photo of the bridge on the River Drina taken by her friend Zora.

Thanks to both of you ladies for this photo!

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Lesley said...

there was recently a review in The Independent on this book that i now want to read!

Luis Gomez said...


Andy said...

I love bridges with arches. I find them so attractive.

WieczneBG said...

I was hoping to see here some photos related to Ivo Andric as it was his B'day earlier this week. I recently read this book for the first time and i loved it!

Lowell said...

It's a fine photograph and a very photogenic and very beautiful bridge! This would make a great cover for a novel!

Jim said...

Great bridge with history.

Birdman said...

Very neat bridge capture. Unique too.

Anonymous said...

A lovely old bridge it is.

Fill your mind with Mind Stuffers

TheChieftess said...

A beautiful bridge!!!

Nenad said...

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