Wednesday, November 21, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"S" is for "stacked"

These boxes are filled with chips and other similar products and aren't heavy, but still.....a balancing act.

See other S's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Wow! Lots of boxes.

Gaelyn said...

I don't think I could balance them empty.

Roger Owen Green said...

SKILL! more than mine...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

carol l mckenna said...

fun post for 'S' and great photo ~ balancing is right ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Stacked is right.

Leslie: said...

I'm always excited to come by each week to see what you've come up with. This is great!

abcw team

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team said...

Now thats called a work life balance !!

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team

lorik said...

What a great photo opportunity! And the fact that his red hat matches the boxes makes it even better. Great shot!

Thérèse said...

Il a du aller faire un stage en Asie du sud-est! :-)

hakler said...


Daryl said...

superb catch ..

Elizabeth said...

Yum, Bake Rolls! I'm addicted to those things, although have to admit that bacon Bake Rolls were not as good as I expected. Turns out I'm a salt & garlic Bake Roll girl.

Alexa said...

Even though that stack o' stuff is listing a bit to port near the top, I'll bet he never dropped it. Good capture!

Lowell said...

I'm still trying to think of the famous photographer which you emulate - even if don't mean to! Great slice-of-life!

Mama Pajama said...

excellent - nice use of the prompt!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.