Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Corn on the cob

Most of the time you see people selling grilled corn on the cob, but this is boiled...and salted, no butter.

It was a chilly, rainy day when I took this, and though I didn't buy any, a hot piece of corn would have been welcome.


Luis Gomez said...

A nice street shot Bibi.

Gaelyn said...


Thérèse said...

Si vous aviez vu la tête de mon marchand de légumes au marché de Tournefeuille lorsque je lui ai demandé si son maïs contenait des OGM!!! nous en avons mangé pendant une semaine... :-)
La photo montre bien le froid qu'il fait.

Alexa said...

Yes, yum—but much more yum with butter. Love the steam in this shot.

Olivier said...

belle photo, et puis j'adore ça

Andy said...

Nice candid people shot. It's not corny at all:-)

Bergson said...

un petit commerce d'avenir

Lowell said...

It can't be much fun trying to sell corn on the street on a rainy, cold day!

Terrific slice-of-life, though. You are very good at this sort of thing.

I think I know who you voted for and I'm hoping he wins, too!

Daryl said...

i love corn but it needs butter, salt i can live without but butter is essential!


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.