Monday, November 12, 2012


I find this photo rather if the man in the foreground has evil intentions toward the one who's facing New Belgrade.

Does it strike you this way, too?


Luis Gomez said...

Yes, very dark somehow. Great shot!

Juliette said...

Eerie sense of foreboding. Wonderful cover shot for a novel ..... entitled ??

Gaelyn said...

Only because you mentioned it. What happened next?

Thérèse said...

Do you have a second picture, seconds after?? :-)

brattcat said...

it does, it does.

Daryl said...

very Hitchcock

Alexa said...

Yes, it does. I agree with Daryl—it looks like a still from a film noir.

Lowell said...

Absolutely! This would make a great cover for a crime novel or a book called "On the Waterfront," although I seem to remember that's been done. :-)

Jilly said...

I love this photo - love photos that tell a story. Think that sense of foreboding is because we see the feet of the man at the rear but the man at the front - he stands in a rather surealist way, staring at the city, and we don't see his feet - we get the feeling he could jump - and the man behind will push him.

Sandi said...

It is a great shot. It tells a story. Maybe the man sneaking up is going to tell his unsuspecting friend happy birthday. Hmm. But he kinda looks like a vampire.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.