Saturday, December 1, 2012

THEME DAY-My Street--now and back then...

 This is my street in downtown Belgrade as it appears today.  The building on the left is the main post office.  Though there are not many cars in this photo, there is usually quite a bit of traffic.
 During WWII, the Germans built a reservoir on this very part of my street.  After the Liberation, the reservoir was used as a swimming pool for competitions for a short while.  I'll bet not even many Belgraders know this, but now you do....

See other posts right here.  


Lowell said...

What a fascinating post! Who would think?

Gaelyn said...

Too bad the pool isn't there any more. That's progress.

Luis Gomez said...

Great post Bibi.

Birdman said...

Thanks for the tidbit about your street.

TheChieftess said...


Buck said...

A beautiful pair of photos and some very interesting history to go with them!

Jack said...

That is a most interesting bit of local history.

Alexa said...

Fascinating. Do you wish they'd kept it? Kind of hard to park your car, but if they let the locals use the pool . . . (personally, I'd go for the pool).

Joan Elizabeth said...

What interesting history in your street.

Tanya Breese said...

i love the comparison!

Unknown said...

How fascinating - and what a great job you did of lining up the two shots for comparison!

Anonymous said...

...that was also my street... once...
happy memories of my childhood :))
Thank you for the post.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.