Monday, December 10, 2012

Up we go

A week or so ago I attended a photo exhibit at the Artget Gallery just off of Republic Square downtown.  Would you believe I didn't have my camera with me to snap these workers putting up holiday lights? Hard to believe, I know and I was kicking myself for almost missing this shot, but then I remembered I have a cell  phone!

So saved by the bell, or rather, cell.


Luis Gomez said...

I love this one Bibi.

Gaelyn said...

Hard to believe you didn't have your camera. I always forget my cell has a camera, until I'm away from home and want to post a pic on facebook.

Lowell said...

Nice you were so quick on the trigger! Pretty darn good shot with a phone! I wouldn't do this kind of work for all the Euros in Belgrade!

Daryl said...

well caught!

Alexa said...

Nicely captured—glad you remembered your "other" camera! I met someone on a recent trip who uses his phone as his camera exclusively (he has a new iPhone 5 and it takes amazing photos. said...

the same thing has happened to me but the important thing is you remembered in the end! Nice shot Bibi.

Thérèse said...

Même observation que Gaelyn!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.