Wednesday, January 2, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY--"Y" is for "Yuletide"

No, not late on these photos of Santa Claus, or Deda Mraz (Grandfather Frost), as he is known here. The Yuletide continues!  In Serbia, Deda Mraz makes his appearance on New Year's Day, when these photos were taken. I'd organized a small party for my 'older' friends to meet my grandchildren. Among the guests was a good friend who is an actor and who recently filmed a commercial as Santa.  He got to keep the suit, so...

Mila wasn't too thrilled about sitting in his lap, but her cousin Luka didn't bat an eye.

See other Y's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


TheChieftess said...

Too cute!!!

Leslie: said...

Aw, poor Mila! I think kids at that age are more frightened of him than delighted. Except my youngest, of course. When she was 2, she ran screaming towards Santa yelling his name and jumped into his lap. Too funny!

abcw team

Carver said...

Classic Santa shots. I guess it's not that surprising that some children are scared of Santa and others take it in their stride. My daughter was usually eager to jump on Santas lap. I can remember standing in line at shopping centers with her because she was determined to chat with Santa. She's 28 now so that was a long time ago. Happy New Year ! Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Gaelyn said...

What a sweet Santa even if Mila doesn't think so.

carol l mckenna said...

Happy post and great photos ~ Happy New Year ^_^

(A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

Roger Owen Green said...

ho, ho, horror!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

ChrisJ said...

Oh dear, someone is not too happy!

Olivier said...

j'adore la premiere photo, car quand j'etais enfant j'avais peur aussi du pere noel ;))

Ingrid said...

Hehehehe ! Santa makes kids happy, lol ! My son pulled his beard

ABC Wednesday team

Tamera said...

Oh how cute! Don't you know, it's an enduring holiday tradition to have a screaming fit on Santa's lap? ;^)

Janet said...

Some like Santa, some don't!

brattcat said...

poor mila. maybe next year she'll be more comfortable with that big guy in the red suit and itchy, tickly beard.

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

That guy can be daunting! I can't believe I didn't think of Yuletide (from the Y-ankee) in Belgrade.

Happy New Year,

Janis & David

Greensboro Daily Photo

Ann said...

Now there is a New Year's memory for you. Love the pics but poor Mila, hopefully she got want she wanted for Christmas!!!

Thérèse said...

Too funny!
Pauvre Mila... la photo sera un jour l'objet de bien des conversations.

Daryl said...

awwwww ..sweet ... you can blackmail her as she gets older

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee... Little Mila isn't alone in being scared by Santa! Great shots, Bibi! Luka has certainly grown quickly! (...but then that's what kids do...)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.