Wednesday, January 9, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY "Z" is for "zaftig"

The dictionary defines 'zaftig' as a 'woman having a fully rounded figure,' and the woman represented by this statue does.

Hey--we're at the end of the alphabet.  See other Z's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Leslie: said...

I'll be well on my way to being "zaftig" if I don't stop with the Christmas chocolates and shortbread cookies. lol

abcw team

carol l mckenna said...

Great photo and creative choice for 'Z' ~

(A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I've been zaftig all my life. LOL!

Roger Owen Green said...

I used that word a couple rounds ago!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Wanda said...

OK, I admit it...but I like to call it "Curves"...HaHa

Gattina said...

No doubt about that, lol !
ABC Team

Ann said...

Now thats a new Z word for me!!! Cute statue.


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...