Monday, January 21, 2013

Back in the driver's seat

Not that I was ever out of the driver's seat.  My driver's license expired on January 8th, so I had to renew it. Not only that, but this is the year that I turn into what society deems 'an older person', so I had to have a physical to see if I'm fit to get behind the wheel. Mind you, there are some much younger people out there driving on the streets that would turn your hair white, but I digress.

I had to have my eyes and reflexes checked, and should have had an EKG, but the doctor asked, "Do you have any health problems?" and I said no, which is true, but still....  With the results in hand, along with a bundle of dinars and my old license (the pink one, which folds out in three sections), I headed to the motor vehicles department and turned it all in.  I now possess a state-of-the-art snazzy license with a photo that looks like I am asleep.

Set for five years...


Gaelyn said...

Drivers License photos are Never complimentary. Except for the price of it I think it might be a good idea for everyone to go to the dr before being allowed a DL.

Luis Gomez said...


TheChieftess said...

congratulations!!! My mom-in-law got her license renewed a few years ago...late 80' it renewed for 5 years!!! She told us a friend of hers who was 99 or 100 ( I don't remember which ) and he got his renewed for 5 years as well!!! (she passed away just after Christmas (at 91) so isn't driving any least, not that I know of!!!)

Alexa said...

Congrats. I've never had a driver's license, as you know (phobic), but my mom had her license renewed last year—she'll be 93 in March and in 77 years has never had an accident. Here's wishing you a similar record!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.