Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tito's Moon rock

Yes, it's a piece of moon rock, presented by the crew of Apollo 17 when they visited Belgrade in 1973, not long after that mission.  The little flag, like those of many other nations, was carried aboard the spaceship and given to Marshal Josip Broz Tito along with the small piece of rock. That's Marhsal Tito in the lower photo, second from the right, and his wife, Jovanka on the left of the astronaut.

Took those photos during a visit to an excellent exhibit on Yugoslavia....a country which of course has disintegrated. 


Lowell said...

Very interesting. What's you take on Tito today, or how is he regarded in your country these days?

Hope you're doing well. We're OK. Have moved and happy in our new digs!

Olivier said...

c'etait un beau cadeau que cette roche lunaire

Anonymous said...

Вроде вставлять в объяснение гиперссылки? А ещё изображать зачёркнуто? А курсивом? Сообразно к этому сайту. [url=]между мужчиной и женщиной[/url]

TheChieftess said...

Quite a bit of history in these two photos!!!

s.c said...

Ha.Like the memento. I remember going on holiday to Dubrovnik in those days.

Alexa said...

Do you suppose all the astronauts who went up there were allowed to keep a moon rock of their own?

Tash said...

Fascinating. I was already in the US then and did not hear about it. Thank you for sharing.
Did you hear Las Balkanieras' YU GO! song? "...kad je bilo Tita bilo je i zita..." I can relate having been a "malena pionirka".


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.