Saturday, February 16, 2013

WEEKEND REFLECTION--Chanel No. 5 and Brad Pitt?

I wonder if Coco Chanel would be surprised that her perfume is being advertised by a man, even Brad Pitt.  Popular since the 1920's, Chanel No. 5's celebrity was reignited by Marilynn Monroe the 1950s, when, upon being asked what she wore to bed, replied, "Five drops of Chanel No. 5."  In the '60s, Vogue and Bazaar presented their ads to read, "Every woman alive wants Chanel No. 5" and "Every woman alive loves Chanel No. 5."

I know I did. My first boyfriend gave me a bottle for Christmas.  Chanel No. 5 still remains one of my two favorite perfumes.  (The other is "L'heure bleue" by Guerlain. 

I wonder if Brad Pitt wears five drops of Chanel No. 5 to bed...or does Angelina?

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTION. (See Brad across the street, too....)


'Tsuki said...

Perhaps it is to help man to identify thelmselves as buyers... After all, perfume is so often bought buy them as present for women...

Alexa said...

Brad could probably talk me into quite a few things (oh, if only he would!), but buying perfume is not one of them—unless it was YSL's Paris, the only scent I use.

J e l e n a said...

I am sorry too say he ruined my favorite parfume. I am not a Brad fan, have nothing against him, but if they wanted him int the commercial there are so many other ways they could have done it much better.

Nefertiti said...

Joli ;o)

Lowell said...

Some people will do anything to rake in the dough, even have their picture plastered all around the world advertising a woman's perfume! Poor Brad. And I think Jennifer is bad-mouthing him again.

Actually, Brad has one redeeming aspect - he tries to give back some of what he rakes in. In New Orleans, for example, he's been supporting renewal efforts with cash and occasionally his presence.

TheChieftess said...

If I liked Brad, it might draw me to try it again...but in all honesty, Channel No 5 just doesn't work with my body chemistry!!!

Daryl said...

he wears it on the way to the bank to deposit the residuals from these ads

Tamera said...

It's my favorite perfume as well.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.