Saturday, February 23, 2013


This often happens to me. I'm out with one lens or the other and then see photos I could have taken or taken better with another lens. (I don't carry them all at once; just too heavy!)

This time I was out with my 70-200mm rather than my favorite walkabout lens, my 18-200mm.  Anyway, there was a wonderful line of fishermen below Branko's Bridge, but with the 70mm from where I was, it wasn't possible to get a good shot.

So I settled for a shot of two of them, reflected in an elevator that goes from the top of the bridge to the quay below.

See more reflections at James' WEEKEND REFLECTION.


'Tsuki said...

My first thought when I saw your picture was : "don't jump !" It is hard to see that this man is actually fishing...

I get what you said about lens : that was happening to me all the time, when I was taking picture with my reflex camera... Now I have a bridge, and I don't have those regrets of not carrying the good lens at the right moment... ;)

Lowell said...

Well, you did very well with what you had. Kudos to you. And the photo had me unsettled a bit as it looked like these guys were high in the sky and I don't much like heights! :-)

Fun60 said...

I agree with the other 2 comments. My heart leapt into my mouth when I looked at your photos. Boy was I glad to find out they were just fishing. said...

well that was a creative solution - which turned out a very nice shot!

Christineeeee said...

On pourrait presque croire qu'ils sont en train de grimper la façade !Reflet très original !

biseeeeeeeeeeees de Christineeeee

s.c said...

The less possibilities, the more you use your brain. It is the most important part in the final end result. Very well executed here.

Thérèse said...

Joli compromis! Et ils ne vous ont pas vue! :-)

brattcat said...

excellent problem solving.

Luis Gomez said...

What a great reflection!

Alexa said...

And that worked out very well, didn't it? Good problem-solving and excellent shot!

Nefertiti said...

superbe coups d oeil,bravo !


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