Wednesday, April 3, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY--"L" is for "locks"

One more India photo....still need to replenish my Belgrade stock.

I'm sorry I didn't buy one of these fancy locks or one of the door knockers.

Next time.....

See other L's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Gemma Wiseman said...

Wow! These are like designer locks! Beautiful!

Alexa said...

I've learned while traveling that if I don't get it when I see it, I'll probably never find it again. Next time, for sure—these are fabulous!

Leslie: said...

They're gorgeous - if you have a gorgeous door they'd look good on. I think they'd just make my door look - well, "ordinary." lol

abcw team

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous is right ~ Great photo for 'L' ~ ^_^

photowannabe said...

Love the Drama of the locks and knockers. I don't think they would go with my door but they would have been fun to have anyway.

Roger Owen Green said...

Those are fancy
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Thérèse said...

Une concurrence au Pont des Arts!
:-) said...

I'm loving the mermaid like one!

Daryl said...

those are very interesting ..

A Colorful World said...

A fun post...beautiful locks and door knockers!

TheChieftess said...

What beautiful locks!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, these locks are beautiful and unique! I completely agree, Alexa, that if you don't get it while you're there, you might not see it ever again. I learned that the hard way while traveling in Hong Kong. There are so many thing there that you just can't get anywhere else!
Jensen |

Unknown said...

Those are some really amazing and unique locks, door handles, and door knockers. That is way cool and I would love to have something like that for my home. That is such an amazing thing to see and people really come up with some cool things.
Jak Manson |


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.