Monday, April 15, 2013

Forlorn and forgotten....

A backpack in the shape of a little dog....abandoned at the dumpster.


Gaelyn said...

Awwww, it's like he wanted to go home with you.

brattcat said...

i hope someone will give him a good home.

Daryl said...

oh i hope it wasnt lost vs tossed

Elizabeth said...

Or recycled. When we toss something that we think other people can use (including cardboard boxes, glass bottles, and used clothing) we put it in or near a dumpster rather than with our food waste into the new below-ground trash receptacles in the hopes that someone who can use it will find it and won't have to dig through dirty diapers and old spaghetti to get to it.

Alexa said...

Such a sad little face—but maybe someone will recycle it.

Lowell said...

Perhaps you rescued this poor little critter and took him into your home and heart? Hmmm?

I was reading today about a wee dog who was abused by his family. The thing ran away 14 times or so and the family always found him and brought him home. Finally, they gave up. Fortunately, someone like yourself came by and rescued him!

Tash said...

Awww... He really does look very sad to be abandoned.

Thérèse said...

He knows for sure...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.