Friday, April 12, 2013

SKYWATCH...still not blue...

I'm impatient, it is true. This has been a long spring so far....but I see tiny leaves across the river in this photo....

See other skies, I hope more beautiful, on SKYWATCH.


HansHB said...

A great photo!

Anonymous said...

Rather etheral look to the buildings in background ~ lovely photo for Sky Watch ^_^

Jim said...

Great grey day. said...

I see them too! it won't be long now Bibi, hang in there.
& this is a beautiful view.

Arija said...

I always love the gentle effect the fog lends to a land or cityscape.

Gaelyn said...

Reminds me the gray Seattle skies. But the moisture is making those trees green, slowly.

Daryl said...

for us its still wintry ... the 'spring' we had for the last few days is now gone, replaced with icy winds and lots and lots and lots of rain

Light and Voices said...

Surreal looking photograph. Nice job.
JM Illinois

Lowell said...

Nicely composed. I like the misty look. Hopefully, however, you'll see bright blue skies and treas leafing out everywhere!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.