Wednesday, May 8, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY--Q is for "quite a contrast"

I'm always stumped by the letter Q for ABC Wednesday, and this is a bit of a cop-out.  Couldn't resist posting these brilliant flowers for you today.

See other and probably better Q's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


PhenoMenon, ABCW Team said...

Nature is filled with all kinds of contrast. That's what makes it so BEAUTFUL.

PhenoMenon, ABCW Tea,

Gaelyn said...

Artistic license. :) Pretty flowers.

Alexa said...

I say you should take any excuse to show this beautiful color combination!

Chuck Pefley said...

Quintessential beauty. There's a "Q" for you -:)

Roger Owen Green said...

Wasn't that much of a copout. And a great contrast!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Daryl said...

WOW ... this and the yellow below are intense

Thérèse said...

Pretty and Happy!

Ann said...

Gorgeous and vivid contract.

TheChieftess said...

Gorgeous contrast!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.