Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY "T" is for tree

A tree that once was.  I've seen this stump decorated several times before. There was once even a small plaque on it, saying the tree had succumbed to some disease.  The plaque seems to be gone, but it is often decorated with flowers, in memory.

See other T's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

c'est tres beau , et si c'est en hommage a cet arbre, c'est tres emouvant

Gaelyn said...

Such a beautiful tribute. I've seen planters of flowers in stumps before also.

Indrani said...

How touching!

Karen Xavier said...

Ah, how beautiful and joyful, this picture is... love the decoration of flowers on what was once a probably giant and majestic tree.

Roger Owen Green said...


ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kate said...

A memorial and TRIBUTE for a TREE. . . not a bad idea! Kate, ABC Team said...

such a lovely idea!

Leslie: said...

What a terrific way to keep the memory the tree alive.

abcw team

MaR said...

What a lovely idea and beautiful shot.

T is for...

Alexa said...

The perfect thing to do with a tree that once was!


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