Saturday, May 4, 2013

WEEKEND REFLECTION--more glasses...

Not a terribly original or new photo for this blog, but I'm trying to do shots between grandson's naps, short trips to the grocery store....

These glasses stood on my in-laws' countertop when they had us over for dinner.

See other reflections on James'  WEEKEND REFLECTION.


Gaelyn said...

I like it. Just wondering if you had to empty them all. ;)

See ya' in a couple weeks.

Thérèse said...

You just need to fill them half-up, let's say, and enjoy the view and the content...

Lowell said...

Another taste of a great theme and you did this very with lots of glassy reflections. Excellent.

I'd like to know what was put into those jewel-like glassy beauties!

Jackie McGuinness said...

I like it, nice shot.

Fun60 said...

Makes quite a change from the usual reflections posted.

Alexa said...

Excellent choice in a pinch -- and it's a great shot too. Hope you're having un bon weekend --


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.