Wednesday, June 19, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY--"W" is for "wonderful"

A really bad cop-out for W....  But these macaroons, a chocolate and pistachio in the back and a lemon in front, were awfully good.  Washed down with a cappuccino at Seattle's Le Panier bakery at Pike Place Market.  My daughter and I shared them, so don't think I pigged out...though I'm quite capable of it.

See other X's on ABC WEDNESDAY.

10 comments: said...

As am I - so you have the right idea, sharing is the trick!

Indrani said...

Great combination.

Alexa said...

If those macarons were caramel au beurre de sel, I'd have a hard time eating only three! Wonderful for sure.

Richard Lawry said...

They do look wonderful
An Arkies Musings

Gaelyn said...

Those look so good it would have been hard to share.

Lowell said...

When you're a long way from home visiting your daughter, you've got a right to have as many cappuccinos and macaroons as you wish! It's in the Bible somewhere.

Roger Owen Green said...

Sorry, but WONDERFUL is NOT a cop out; perfectly acceptable!

Daryl said...

macaron ... those dont have coconut, macaroons have coconut ;)

TheChieftess said...

Ohhhh...that looks delightful!!! Especially an afternoon or morning with your daughter...sipping on a cappuccino and nibbling on those delectable macarons is just icing on the proverbial cake!!!

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» would enjoy that!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.