Monday, June 24, 2013

Phone booth, recycled

A unique and spiritual recycling of a phone booth!  Taken outside a Mexican restaurant in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle.

Returning home to Belgrade soon....and then off to Paris shortly thereafter....


Olivier said...

voila une tres belle reconversion, superbe

TheChieftess said...

so much better than the old phone booths in total disrepair!!!

Hilda said...

Creative! Safe travels!

Gaelyn said...

Good idea being there's never any phones in them anyway. Safe journey.

Indrani said...

This is unique. Great find.

Lowell said...

Unique is certainly the right word. Paris? You are very fortunate! Have a great time! I'm envious!

Daryl said...

love this!

Alexa said...

Love this! Reminds me of the street shrines you see all over Italy. You're just here, there, and everywhere, aren't you? Wish I could go to Paris w/you. Safe travels and enjoy! said...

wow - I've been away from here far too long. I am so glad I didn't miss this shot, a modern day take on a very old tradition. Great capture Bibi! said...

& I wish I could meet you & Alexa in Paris!
; ))


 GORGEOUS day here in Belgrade. Waiting for some friends on a psrk bench. Gardeners are tending the lavender that grows here and its scent f...