Monday, July 1, 2013

THEME DAY--Facade St. Cirq-Lapopie, France

Here I am (well, not visible in the photo) in St. Cirq-Lapopie, a village not far from Cahors France. St. Cirq-Lapopie was voted most beautiful village in France in 2012.  My in-laws and I are staying at a private house that can be seen at It's incredibly beautiful want to take a photo every ten steps. Bring lots of memory cards...

See other facades on  Theme Day.


Jim said...

Good shot.

Olivier said...

belle petite maison, dans un des plus beau endroit de France

Tamera said...

It is lovely indeed!

Hilda said...

Very charming, and I just love those wide, red doors and windows.

Jo said...


LOLfromPasa said...

It does look beautiful. Like that reflection. Thank goodness for digital cameras. Sounds like you took loads of shots :).

Lowell said...

I would love to visit the "most beautiful village" in France no matter what year! Love structure. I'll bet you're taking almost as many photos as you did in India!

Daryl said...

what a beauty

Sharon said...

I love places where you just can't stop taking pictures. Sounds like this is one of those places.

wilf said...

Love the arch door, Classic and beautiful.

Gaelyn said...

That looks so inviting and homey.

Buck said...

If the rest of the buildings look like this, the title 'Most Beautiful' is well deserved!

Thérèse said...

Comment ai-je pu ne pas mettre de commentaire??


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.