Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's a dog's life....

It's a dog's life, and it might be a short one, too, for some of Belgrade's stray dog population. Despite spay/neuter encouragement, there's still a large number of homeless dogs. I have to harden my heart.....


Luis Gomez said...

Hi, Pat. It is so sad to see all these handsome dogs homeless. said...

awww...poor doggies.

Thérèse said...

L'union fait la force...

Lowell said...

Oh boy. I'm with you. I'd want to take all of these home with me!

claude said...

Pauvres bêtes !
A plusieurs, cette vie de chien leur paraît peut-être plus belle.

Indrani said...

The same problem here in Bangalore.

Alexa said...

Oh my, that is a problem—a very sad one. Does Belgrade have an official "dog-catcher"?

WieczneBG said...

Very often I'm scared of these stray dogs but I feel soo sad that they live like that. When I walk around I see many of them. Unbelievable no one wants to do anything with it.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.